



2018-03-14 17:56:00



  In Film/Animation/Video students explore the art of the moving image, learning to master the tools needed to articulate a creative vision, whether using film, animation, installations, interactive media or a combination. FAV professors support the investigation of the technical, aesthetic and conceptual questions central to creating strong content with a unique voice.





  FAV majors work in live action, animation or a hybrid of the two, and have the option of producing films in a wide variety of genres (such as documentary, experimental, narrative) and for diverse outlets (including installations and interactive media). Students regularly analyze and solve technical and aesthetic problems, and benefit from exposure to critical review, film festivals and visiting artists and specialists.>>>点击查看 各专业录取分数线汇总【完整版】



  The program cultivates creative thinking, along with social and cultural awareness. Graduates are prepared to:demonstrate an understanding of the plasticity of time through techniques such as manipulating sound and visual rhythm to alter the feeling of time passing and convey narrative structure

  articulate their roles and responsibilities as mediators of information

  exhibit competence in at least one of the three forms of live action film, animation or open media

  design and implement individualized creative processes to plan, organize and execute complex projects

  recognize and assess their assumptions, and the implications and practical consequences of those assumptions

  understand experimentation as a form of research

  recognize, develop and refine narratives

  raise and clearly formulate vital questions and problems

  communicate effectively and work with others to find solutions to complex problems












  An in-demand department, FAV is home to approximately 145 undergraduate majors, with students from other disciplines often taking selected classes and offering different perspectives from the vantage point of their major disciplines. Juniors and seniors get the opportunity to screen finished films to a wider audience via popular spring film festivals open to the public. FAV faculty members offer a wide range of expertise in various areas and work closely with students to help them develop as strong, well-informed artists with the conceptual and aesthetic vision to reach well beyond a technical facility with film production.



  RISD's FAV facilities offer production studios for film, video, 16mm, 35mm and puppet animation; digital editing and sound mixing rooms; and CGI and Macintosh workstations with a full range of professional production and editing software. But unlike many other schools, RISD goes beyond teaching students how to use the latest technology. Instead, the idea is to master the use of tools by focusing on concepts, critical thinking and content development.



  1.“Common Application”要求

  You’ll begin and manage your RISD application process by completing the Common Application. There is a non-refundable application fee of $60 to use this service; eligible students may apply for a fee waiver.

  您将通过完成“Common Application”来开始并管理您的RISD申请流程。使用此服务有60美元的不可退还申请费; 最终录取的学生该费用会在学费中相应的减免。


  Applicants must provide official transcripts of all secondary academic work through the most recent grading period. Your counselor may submit your transcript through the Common Application, Parchment, email or mail. If your academic credentials are not written in English, they must be translated into English by an approved translator prior to submission.

  申请人必须在最近的评分阶段提供所有中学学术作业的正式成绩单。你的辅导员可以通过“Common Application”,羊皮纸,电子邮件或邮件等形式提交你的成绩单。如果您的学历证书不是用英文书写的,在提交前必须由经过批准的翻译员翻译成英文。


  SAT or ACTAll applicants are required to submit the results of the SAT or the ACT (American College Testing program). RISD will superscore your results. Subject tests are not required.

  RISD’s institution code number for the SAT is 3726; for ACT the code number is 003812.

  TOEFL or IELTSAll applicants who speak English as a second language, including US citizens, must submit results from either TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) or IELTS (International English Language Testing System). Since proficiency in English is a prerequisite for acceptance, applicants must attain an acceptable score on either test; RISD requires a minimum result of 93 on the TOEFL or 6.5 on IELTS. Plan to take the TOEFL or IELTS well in advance of the application deadline since it may take six weeks for your scores to be sent to RISD.

  RISD’s institution code number is 3726.

  SAT或ACT所有申请人都必须提交SAT或ACT(美国大学考试计划)的结果。我们将选择您的最高分。我们对于每个小部分的分数不予特定的要求。罗德岛设计学院的SAT成绩提交代码机构代码是3726 ; ACT的提交代码编号是003812。

  托福或雅思所有将英语作为第二语言的申请者,包括美国公民,都必须提交托福(英语作为外语考试)或雅思(国际英语语言测试系统)的成绩。由于熟练使用英语是我们录取的先决条件,申请人必须在任一测试中获得我们认可的分数; 罗德岛设计学院要求您的托福成绩最低93分,雅思6.5分。因为可能需要六周的时间才能将您的分数发送到RISD,所以计划在申请截止日期之前尽早参加托福或雅思考试。罗德岛设计学院的机构代码是3726。


  Your portfolio should show a selection of 12–20 examples of your best recent artwork. We suggest that the work reflect the full range of your ideas, interests, experience and abilities in the arts to date. Work presented can be in any medium (including film or video), in finished or sketch form, and the result of an assigned project or a self-directed exploration. We strongly recommend that you include a few pages from your journal or sketchbook to indicate your process of research, thinking and investigation.

  Do not submit a multi-page PDF with individual and unrelated works on each page since this is likely to exceed the limit of 20 examples we’ve requested. The only exception to this is a portfolio piece like a graphic novel where multiple pages are part of a single, cohesive work.

  Upload your portfolio to Slideroom through the Common Application.


  通过“Common Application”将您的作品集上传到Slideroom。


  Choose one of the following three prompt options and create two responses using any medium you prefer (no restrictions).

  We consider this assignment to be as much about process as presentation and encourage you to consider your submissions as exercises in experimental thinking and risk-taking more than as final presentations or examples of technical proficiency. No particular outcome is valued more than another, so feel free to explore the full range of possible expression in these works.

  Each of these prompts has more than one meaning or usage and you might want to begin by referring to dictionary sources to expand your initial reaction about a direction.




  Please upload your responses in the specific section of SlideRoom dedicated to these works. (Do not include them in the Portfolio area of SlideRoom.)

  If the file size of either of your responses exceeds 10 MB, please embed a link to direct us to another viewing platform such as a personal website, Vimeo, etc.

  In the SlideRoom submission section for your two works, we also ask you to reflect on the two responses that you are sharing and provide a brief response to this question: What are the other directions or ideas you would explore as a next step?






  请在SlideRoom的特定部分上传您的回应,专门用于提交这些作品。(不要将它们上传到SlideRoom的作品集区域中。)如果您的任何一个回复的文件大小超过10 MB,请嵌入一个链接将我们引导至另一个观看平台,例如个人网站,Vimeo等。在您的两个作品的SlideRoom提交部分,我们还要求您反思您分享的两个回复,并对此问题提供一个简短回应:您将在下一步中探索哪些其他指导或想法?


  Submit one example of your writing, up to 650 words. Remember, this is the limit, not a goal. Use the full limit if you need it, but don’t feel obligated to do so.You will find the writing prompts in the Personal Essay section of the Common Application.While we encourage you to adhere to the rules of good writing, we look for applicants who are not afraid to take risks in their expression. Please don't hesitate to use a writing style or method that may be outside the mainstream as you express a distinctive personal position in the samples you submit.

  提交您的一篇文章,最多650字。请记住,650个字符是限制,而不是绝对的字数。如果您觉得有必要写650字符,那么请随意,但是我们不强制您达到650的字数。您可以在“Common Application”的个人文章部分找到编写提示。虽然我们鼓励您遵守优秀写作规则,但我们寻找不惧于表达风险的申请人。当您在提交的样本中表达出独特的个人位置时,请不要犹豫,使用可能超出主流的写作风格或方法。


  Although not required, these letters can be very helpful to your application. One letter is suggested, although as many as three may be submitted. Recommendation letters should be written by teachers or other professionals who have firsthand knowledge of your art or academic achievements and can comment on your potential as a student.Please use the Common Application to invite your recommendation writers to submit letters through that service. Letters may also be sent directly to our mailing address (see below) or emailed to [email protected].

  虽然推荐信不是必需的,但是提交推荐信可能对您的申请非常有用。因此,我们建议你至少提交一封信,最多可提交多达三封。推荐信应由教师或其他掌握第一手知识的艺术家或学术成果的专业人员撰写,并且可以评论您作为学生的潜力。请使用“Common Application”邀请您的推荐作者通过该服务提交信函。信件也可能直接发送到我们的邮寄地址(见下文)或通过电子邮件发送到[email protected]






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